Music for Royal Fireworks  (1748)

         In 1748, Handel composed Music for Royal Fireworks for the fireworks in London's 
Green Park on 27 April 1749.  It was for a celebration for the end of the War of the Austrian Succession and the signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) in 1748.  An advertised rehearsal 6 days before the event drew 12,000 people and caused a three hour traffic jam on London Bridge.

The work is in five movements:

     Ouverture: Adagio, Allegro, Lentement, Allegro  (7:30)
         (Notice the regal trumpets and militaristic drums).

     Bourrée  (2:00)  A French dance style

     La Paix: Largo alla siciliana  (1:40 - starts at 11:10)

     La Réjouissance: Allegro  (2:00)

     Menuets I and II  (3:00)

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