Saturday, May 14, 2022

Welcome to the Course on George Frideric Handel  (1685 - 1759)

Handel in 1733

                              A list of Handel's compositions              (online piano)

            Review:  The Nature of Baroque Music

            George Frideric Handel was one of the greatest composers of the Baroque era,  
      usually being considered second only to Johann Sebastian Bach.  Based in London 
      in an era when most composers were employees of aristocratic courts or churches, 
      Handel was a freelance composer and entrepreneur who grew rich first from com-
      posing and staging Italian operas and then English oratorios, most notably Messiah 
      in 1742.  Beyond operas and oratorios, Handel composed a large amount of sacred 
      and secular vocal music.  His anthem Zadok the Priest, written for the coronation  
     of King George II in 1727, has been the coronation music for every British monarch 

            In instrumental music, Handel is known for his orchestra suites Water Music 
      (1717) and Music for Royal Fireworks (1742).  His Opus 3 and Opus 6 concerti 
      grossi are highly regarded, as are his Opus 4 and Opus 7 organ concerti.  He 
      also wrote some popular harpsichord works and chamber music.